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9 . a. 市政府规范性文件的制定,参照市政府规章制定程序的有关规定执行。行政机关内部的工作制度,管理制度等,不适用 本规定 。
b. The formulation of the normative documents of the Municipal Government shall be conducted by reference to the relevant provisions concerning the procedures for formulating rules. These Provisions shall not be applicable to the working systems, or the management system of the administrative organs.
五、 语篇指示语
语篇指示语是用来指示语篇中某个部分,例如“前者”“后者”。有些语篇指示语就是从时间指示语和地点指示语中提取的,例如英语中的“ the following chapter” “the next chapter” 。 由于文化、传统、语言限制等因素的影响,中英两种语言在指示语方面有诸多不同,而且在很多情况下在目的语中找不到与源语对等的概念,或者用对等的概念会使目的语读者产生误解。在这种情况下只有“存异”才能达到法律交流的目的。对于中英文化相同的地方,我们可以采用“求同”的原则。
10 . a. If any contracting party considers that a product is not receiving from another contracting party the treatment which the first contracting party believes to have been contemplated by a concession provided for in the appropriate Schedule annexed to this agreement it shall bring the matter directly to the attention of other contracting party. If the latter agrees that the treatment contemplated was that claimed by the first contracting party, but declares that such treatment cannot be accorded because a court or other proper authority has ruled to the effect that the product involved cannot be classified under the tariff laws of such contracting party so as to permit the treatment contemplated in this Agreement, the two contracting parties, together with any other contracting parties substantially interested, shall enter promptly into further negotiation with a view to compensatory adjustment of the matter.